Our Story

The Beginning

…It was October, 1993, after 3 years of unsuccessfully trying various home-based businesses and a career in Real Estate that ended with the 1988 recession in the Washington DC area market…

…I had just gotten off the phone with a man I had been speaking to about purchasing some leads for his business. This lead business, as well as, washing dishes and making pizza deliveries for a restaurant to supplement income, would soon prove to be the last in a string of “home” business attempts that cost us far more money than we were bringing in and landed us in bankruptcy. My wife, Susan, was working as a receptionist for a Doctor’s office…

…The man I was speaking to was blind and his wife, in a wheelchair. They had no children to help them, yet in just 3 years time, they had built a home business that was bringing them over $6,000 per month…

…Needless to say, given our current state, this caught my attention…  

…He spoke to me about losing weight, which at the time, I felt did not apply to me… Really?…

…So I asked him, “How did you make this income?”…

…He told me to get on the products and then we’ll talk…

…My heart sank as I thought to myself…

…”We are over $75,000 in credit card debt and facing bankruptcy and this guy wants to sell me his weight loss products? Are you kidding me?”…

…But he insisted that…

  “You will never be able to do this business successfully until you can honestly speak from your heart about your own results.”

…When Susan arrived home that day, I was so excited I cried…

…”I think I found a GREAT business for us!!!”…

…A couple of questions later she replied…

…”He just sold you some weight loss products-great job!”…

…As you can see, my wife was not as enthused with this new business as I was…

…In fact, she was totally against it….

…She was done!…

…The home business world was no longer for her and she told me she wanted nothing to do with it…

…In fact, if I did this one, I was on my own….

…I assured her that if this stuff makes me jittery or I was walking around starving, like other programs I had tried, I’d be gone… 

…I had already found the last $100.00 left on a credit card and purchased the start up business kit which, at the time, included what was called a Weight Loss Starter Program…

…When the kit arrived Susan just rolled her eyes as I started digging through the material…

… I had my first shake after weighing in. Chocolate….

…”Hmm, pretty good!”…

…This continued for a week as I began using the shake as a meal replacement for two of my meals…

…To my surprise , I was not jittery or hungry. In fact, I had energy and felt tremendous!…

…The voice on the phone told me that in order to be successful at this business, I needed to get the best results possible in my first 30 days….

…I was told to take the products exactly as instructed…

…The incredible part was that when I gained that energy in the first week, Susan took notice. She could see the change in my personality…

…People at work also started to notice as I began to shrink…

…My coworkers started to inquire about the program….


…The really amazing thing was that Susan started to drink the shake…

…She wanted that energy she witnessed with my use…

…Soon, she could feel the difference…

…I lost 17 pounds that first month and Susan’s hair stylist got on the program…

…Within a few months she lost over 45 pounds….

…Everyone who saw her was asking what she did and she gave them our name and number…

…That business alone turned into $1500.00 a month in referrals from that ONE person…

…After just 2 months I was down 30 pounds and our business was growing by leaps and bounds as more people were referred to us and other people began to get started….

….This is what the voice on the phone meant when he said, to do this business you need to be able to honestly speak from your heart about your own results.”…

…By the end of that first month we had a net income of $1400.00*…

…Within a year we both were each able to “FIRE MY BOSS”*…

…Don’t get me wrong. This is not some get rich quick deal. We had to grow in our mental mindset and work very hard. But not having a boss, in our opinion, was the best deal out there!… 

…We’ve not had a boss now for over 25 years. We are in the top 2% of the income earners in our business and our life is quite different than what it was back in those days…

…Here’s the deal…

…I don’t know if this journey is for you….

…Some people like having a steady job and a boss…

…We personally hate the very thought of it…

…At this point we are looking for a few teachable individuals who aren’t afraid of hard work and enjoy helping people change their lives for the better….

…We now have a step by step online system that has sent our business soaring…

…much faster than the days of no computers or smartphones…

…At this point, we’d love for you to just take a look at a 15 minute video and see if this is right for you…

IMPORTANT: After watching, return to Email #2 or subscribe in the link below to get the details on how to join our team!

…You may have already received it or it will be delivered to your Inbox after you click the link in your Thanks for Subscribing email…

…I’m really not sure where we would have ended up if I had not taken a chance that day in October, 1993…

…Each journey begins with a single step…

…You may just want to use the products without the business and that’s super…

…We have a special discount membership just for you…

…We wish you much success and look forward to working with you!

Don and Susan

*If you are not currently on our mailing list, please click here to subscribe.

*Please note that these results are not typical but are the result of hard work and focus. We don’t know you or your work ethics so this is not to be construed to be any guarantee as to results with the products or business opportunity.